Illustration, Graphic Design, Printmaking and more.

Bee Hotels

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DIY Backyard Bee Hotels

Layout Design / Illustration / Typesetting

This is an instruction manual in response to current causes of native bee habitat loss— urban development, pesticide use, and the disappearance of native pollen-laden flora from modern gardens.

By simulating their natural habitats, a bee hotel provides a shelter for native Australian solitary bees. With this permaculture approach, we can support natural processes and contribute to rebuilding the populations of these pollinators.

The booklet’s aim is to naturalise and create desire for sustainable practices. It promotes the relocalisation of knowledge of natural ecosystems, and the skills to support them without disrupting them. The booklet places emphasis on utilising native flowers and plants, and constructing a hotel that cooperates within the natural Australian environment. Ultimately, it aspires to foster a reconnection with nature; to repair our unsustainable, anthropocentric relationship with our native environment and reinforce a relationship that is equal, cooperative and harmonious.

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